Light Narrative

It was night as Zelda and Levi were trying to calm down their younger siblings. Zelda looked around, it was so dark and creepy. Suddenly she couldn’t hear Levi, he was fast asleep. Now Zelda had to deal with her younger siblings, after 50 minutes it suddenly became quiet. Zelda soon found herself sleeping, the window was open when she heard someone running past by. Zelda was only half awake when she heard panting, was she dreaming? Zelda suddenly looked up and opened her eyes, it was so dark that she couldn’t see a single thing. It then went really quiet, by the sounds she heard no one was awake except for herself. Zelda was so tired that she couldn’t bother to even investigate. Zelda was alarmed but she knew that if she went up and investigated it would be too dark so she closed her eyes and slept. Day came and Zelda realized that she wasn’t dreaming. Her day went on and she couldn’t stop thinking about the incident. Was that just an animal who passed by? Was Zelda just hallucinating? Questions ran through her head, she couldn’t focus on anything. Finally dinner came and it was getting dark, Zelda was still worried if that person she heard run by was gonna hurt her family. Zelda was so distracted that she couldn’t eat her food. “Are you okay?” Asked her mother. “Yes.” Zelda then replied. It was dark and her siblings were crying, after 30 minutes she couldn’t take it anymore. Just as she dozed off she then heard a noise, she looked up alarmed. This time Zelda got a glimpse of who ran by. She could see light. Zelda suddenly got excited, can this person help her? Zelda rushed after the direction the person was going in. She followed the person, Zelda noticed that the person seemed to have something attached to her. It was light, she followed the light and soon the figure stopped. Zelda then hid behind a bush and saw it was a lady. A young beautiful lady, Zelda, couldn’t believe her eyes, the lady was so beautiful. Zelda then moved and saw that the lady didn’t actually have something attached to her. It seemed that there were particles and they were coming from her hand. She had beautiful long straight hair with glowing brown eyes. Was this lady a witch?


Zelda had even more questions running through her head. The lady turned around and then saw Zelda, Zelda stood there in shock. The lady then sprinted the opposite direction, Zelda ran after the lady and shouted out to the lady. “Hey! Wait!” She shouted. Zelda ran while in shock by how fast the lady was, the lady suddenly stopped and turned and then seemed to throw something directly at Zelda. Zelda panicked and threw herself to the side as she had to think fast. It seemed to be a rock, Zelda tripped and landed on the floor. Her eyes then met with the lady, they stared at each other for a quick 2 seconds and then looked around. The lady stood across from Zelda and ran, Zelda shouted. “Stop! Wait” She yelled. Zelda had a chance to run after the lady as she still had the beautiful light with her. Zelda sat on the cold floor breathless and got up and tried to make her way home. By the time Zelda reached her house it was dawn. No one had to know that she was out all night unarmed with no food. The sun was just rising and she was dirty. Zelda knew that this lady she saw that night was not some ordinary lady. The night Zelda put her siblings to sleep she thought to trap the lady and get information. She heard footsteps and used a rope to trip the lady. The lady tripped and hurt her knee. Zelda quickly came out from behind a tree and stopped her before she could get away. Zelda wondered why the lady was running. She then heard a voice calling her from inside her house, it was the voice of Levi’s. She quickly turned her head and saw Levi walking out of the door. Levi spotted her and asked her what she was doing. She hushed him, and then pointed to the lady. She quickly walked and grabbed the lady. The lady looked up in shock, she remembered the face of Zelda’s. “I’m not going to hurt you, who are you?” Zelda asked. “A woman, m-my name is Hazel.” The lady mumbled. She let go of Hazel the lady. They talked while Levi sat in the corner of their backyard while questions were running through his head. They learned that the lady was apparently 25 years old and was homeless. The lady seemed to have magic powers. Fire lit from her hand, she was given a gift. She could light fire from her hand. The mysterious lady wore a maroon robe. Zelda told Hazel the mysterious lady about her family’s problems and how they never had light during night. The lady smirked and insisted on helping Zelda and her family. “Zelda! Levi!” It was her family calling them. They got startled and knew they had to act fast.

“Meet us tomorrow, don’t tell anyone!” Zelda said. Levi then knew that he had to keep this whole thing a secret. He didn’t know why and how Hazel was going to help them. The full moon shone as they made their way to their family. Finally after a short 30 seconds or so they found the family. “We were worried about you guys.” Said Kierra (Sibling). “I was looking for Zelda, she was outside um doing something no-nothing.” Levi stuttered. The mother and father felt suspicious as they stood at the door stiff looking. Zelda made her way to bed and soon found herself sleeping. Zelda woke up and looked around, she had felt like she had barely slept. She had no energy but she had remembered that she was supposed to meet with the mysterious lady. She got up and dressed as quickly as she could and waited minutes for the lady to arrive. “Are you going to use your powers?” Asked Zelda. She wasn’t quite sure if Hazel was going to use her powers to help them. It seemed that Hazel was given this power as her family had all died and it was only her. She was given this power at the age of 17 and has been used to controlling it. Hazel was used to using her powers, and explained that she had been talking with the gods ever since. “Zelda! Levi! Lunch Time.” Yelled Mary (Mother). They spotted the mother walking out the door. “Hide!” Zelda yelled. Hazel creeped back into the bushes and ducked quietly. Soon after Zelda and Levi went inside for their lunch. “Back, I bought food.” Levi said. “Thank you” Hazel replied. Levi and Zelda argued while Hazel quietly sat and ate her food. Finally Hazel was done eating and the two stopped fighting. After Hazel had planned to help the family she decided to use and test if her powers actually worked. She distanced herself from the two and soon they saw fire from her hand. It was hot and the two could tell that she was trying her very best. Her eyes glowed and light particles started to appear. Zelda stood up right away to see the amazing beautiful magic that Hazel was performing. It was getting hotter and hotter, Zelda and Levi stood away and prayed that it would work. It was night and suddenly there was light. It was bright inside the house. They stood in their spots astonished at how amazing it was. They looked at each other and cheered. “Woo!” Levi exclaimed. Hazel grinned and was joyful that she could finally make her power useful. “Mum, dad!” Shout Levi. “There’s light!” Zelda yelled. They were finally happy that they could see. The family came out of the house all joyful and cheering. They could finally be able to see without having to panic about not being safe. Hazel could finally find a place to sleep which was their house!